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Our Solutions
Personal Health Records
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Health Station Puls
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In addition to having our Health Station to monitor blood pressure, heart rate, weight, BMI, body fat, blood oxygen, cholesterol and glucose level, we can integrate many other test devices to the Health Station to allow you perform some other tests/health analysis such as Blood Analysis, Urine Analysis and even an ECG. All test reports are instant and printed out in 1-3 minutes. This can easily be transferred for further relevant health analysis and investigation. This is a unique opportunity that improve your rural healthcare initiatives or your Mobile Health Clinics. You can contact us for details.
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» Thinking About Creating a Corporate Health and Wellness Program?
There's no doubt that there's a correlation between your employees' health and their ability to get the job done. Employees that feel physically well are often more productive, active members of your team. Increasingly, companies are investing in corporate wellness programs as a way to promote the heath of their employees, and their business.
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» An Employee Wellness Center Offers Healthy Opportunities at Work?
More frequently today, companies are developing on-site employee wellness centers that give their employees access to nutritional and health information, tips on smoking cessation, ideas for weight management and weight loss, exercise equipment and tools to help them monitor their health and their health goals. Businesses are finding that investing in corporate health and wellness programs increases value for employees and for the company.
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» Workplace Wellness is Good for Employees?
A typical workplace wellness program is more than just a few treadmills or strength training machines. Instead, it seeks to facilitate both exercise activities and nutritional information. If the center contains a biometric monitoring machine or health and wellness station, then having access to a workplace wellness center also means that employee can monitor common health concerns like blood pressure, weight, and body mass index (BMI) without having to take time off from work or squeeze in appointments during their lunch hour.

Monitoring these biometric data allows both employees and employers to track the success of the corporate wellness center and provide hard data around success metrics. Employee wellness programs also offer a perk above and beyond standard salary and benefits, leading to greater job satisfaction.
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» Workplace Wellness is Good for the Company, Too?
Companies that practice active workplace wellness initiatives are showing employees that they care about their health. Healthier employees take fewer sick days, which leads to increased productivity. Additionally, healthy employees need fewer doctors visits, which results in lower medical costs for the employee and lower insurance rates for the company. Most data also suggests that healthy, fit employees have more energy and are generally more productive on the job.
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» Create a Healthier Business with Lifeclinic's LC500 Health Station?
Looking for an all-in-one machine to take your corporate health programs to the next level? With Lifeclinic's LC500 in your workplace wellness center, your employees can monitor and track important biometric measurements like blood pressure, heart rate, weight, and body mass index. The LC500 is a fully interactive health station with Internet capabilities that allow employees to save biometric readings to and create their own Personal Health Records.

If your organization is strongly considering creating a corporate wellness program, then a health monitoring station from Lifeclinic is all your organization needs to measure and report on the success of the program.
Additional Lifeclinic options include: Lifeclinic Rewards, Lifeclinic Pedometer Program, Group-Stat®, Lifeclinic Health Risk Assessment and Health Data Card.
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» Take the Next Steps Toward a Corporate Wellness Program?
Want to learn more about the LC500 or another Lifeclinic health station for your corporate wellness center? Contact us for more information, or speak with a Florida Medical Screening representative for information about multi-site health monitoring stations
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